anime cosplay images

you can be into comics, you can be into film and tv, anime, manga. it's one place you can come and you and show off, this sort of skill and what you enjoy wearing and doing and it's appreciated, rather than thought of as a bit peculiar. cosplay is basically costume play . i'm currently dressed as flareon from pokemon. it's a gijinka, so it's a human form of a pokemon. when i was growing up, i didn't tell many people about what i was into, people already thought i was a bit strange, by their standards. i didn't want any more things being said, then were already, because, it was school and kids are mean.

i found out there was a society at my university. they just literally welcomed me with open arms. i was brought straight in. it's given me that confidence to say, no this is who i am. this is what i do. the convention community are probably the most welcoming and least prejudice people you'll ever meet. it doesn't matter who you are, what race you are, where you're from, you're part of the big "fandom" you're part of the family basically.

so you need to come back here at two, to get cued up. i've signed up for the masquerade and for the first time in my cosplaying lifetime, i'm having the costume judged. about a months worth of time i was going on the internet literally scouring images of pokemon and then obviously doing a full time job at the same time, which also ate into a lot of hours. so i was often up until one in the morning, just sowing. do you want some pokemon music? there you go, somebody has an ipod.

once i hit the stage, all the nerves are gone; full of confidence. and it's now started going into my day to day life. i'm more and more confident of myself as a person. i have left my job now and i am hoping, i'm going in for some auditions now. going to try for several drama schools. i'm going to try for some holiday parks. now that i've gotten this confidence in my abilities and skills, i'm determined that one day i want to be able to do the thing that i love doing, on a daily basis.

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