hello my lovelies~! today i'm going to teachyou how i color skin with adobe photoshop cs6. i'm going to jump straight into the tutorialcuz i want to make this short and to the point. so first of all, i painted a solid layer ofbase color underneath the sketch. to color the skin, i normally use a soft round brushset at 100% opacity and flow. and to start off, i use a relatively lightskin tone/color and i airbrush it in the areas around the face to create contouring, andthen i add it to places where there should be shades, such as the neck. after that i take a slighhtly darker colorand go over on top of the areas where there should be even more shadows. you'll see me do this a couple of times over and over again throughout this
tutorial, each time with a even darker shade.by layering it on you create different depths. it's a slow process so it'll take some time& patience! now the neck area and the ears should havethe darkest shadows. don't be afraid to make these areas really dark, or else your character'sface will end up looking flat and undefined. we want to make the main features of the facepop as much as possible so it's essential to frame the face with these nice dark shadows. okay so here i'm going back to the lightershade and i'm just adding on to the eye area and then creating the basic shadows for thenose and the lips. you have to be very careful about these two areas because contrary tothe neck and ears, if you make these too dark
it'll look unnatural. and your character willlook like they got really bad plastic surgery. also, if you make them too dark the neck andear areas won't stand out as much and the face will look too flat. now when it comes to lips, i used to havea lot of trouble with them and i found that the best way to learn how to draw them isto 1. be a creep and stare at other people's lips all day every day, or 2. find those lipgloss or lip stick commercials and stare at their pictures for reference. now if you guyswant a in depth tutorial on how i color my lips give this video a thumbs up or let meknow in the comments below. so as you can see here i'm going back intothe neck area and making it more defined.
and then in a second i'll start adding onthe shadows from the hair. to do that i normally create a new layer on top of my current layerand set the mode to "multiply". then i use a hard round brush, to create some definedshadows in places that i think the hair would cast, this depends on where the light sourceis. i use this chance to add more shadows to the eye area as well. when that's all done,i merge the two layers together. and after that i just basically play aroundwith what i have, i eye drop the colors that are already there and then i use them to fix/renderthe skin. k, so now i move in on the nose. the darkestshadows on a nose should be at the top part where the bridge is, and the area where thenostrils are. the nostrils itself, like the
two lines, are usually very very dark. a lotof artists like to make them black, but personally i can never make that work so i just makesure that it's the darkest part of the nose instead okay so in a moment the recording is goingto stop. i moved on to the hair and the eyes and then i did some more rendering with theskin except i totally forgot to record it. so i'm just going to show you guys the finalproduct and talk a little about it. okay, and here it is oh i totally forgot to mention this earlierbut remember to merge the sketch layer with your color layer! i always end up moving thefeatures around and it helps if it's all in one layer. so for example, i moved the noseup a little bit and i also made the lips bigger.
okay now, i'm going to reveal my not-so-secret-secretultimate weapons. which are the photoshop effects. so what i did was i selectedthe skin layer, and then went over here to filters, sharpen, and selected "smart sharpen".i play around with the settings a little until i get something i like. what i really loveabout this effect is that it makes what ever you're using this effect on look a lot more crisp and clean. after that i went into images, adjustments,and then this wonderful thing called "levels". using this i made the shadows darker and brightenedup the whole thing as well. this is probably my favorite thing ever in photoshop, i'll probably talk about it a lot in my future tutorials as well. i use it on everything and i use it on my final product too.
annd to that concludes my tutorial on howto color skin! i really hope it helped. click here to watch some of my other tutorials annndclick here to subscribe to moi. make sure to give this video a thumbs up, and i'll seeyou guys later with more tutorials and speedpaints in the future~! bye <333
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