anime love

do you know barakamon? i really like barakamon. when the merry go... broke down... hey guys this is cathy cat today we will go and ask japanese people what kind of anime they enjoyed watching the most. what kind of anime scene really moved them and which anime they loved the most. let's go and ask japanese. which was the best anime you have ever watched?

i enjoyed marmalade boy. or the three-eyed one. i used to watch the older anime. i still watch detective conan (engl: case closed) are you still watching it nowadays? yes, i do. i record it every week. so you have been watching it ever since you were young? i like guessing who the murder is. it's fun.

do you also know kaito kid? i like that one too. - from the conan series.- yes! think of the anime you have watched now and in your younger years. which was the best ever? when i was in middle school i was really into anime. i really enjoyed blue exorcist. you know that one too? - i do.- i loved that series. i watched it a lot, but at the time i was studying for my exams.

they were showing the movie in the cinema, but i couldn't go to watch it. so i only bought the movie booklet. do you know barakamon? i really like barakamon. you feel a lot better watching it. and they are showing a beautiful scenery. - i love crayon shin chan.- why that one? even though my mother forbid me to watch it, they would make it so interesting so i would watch it again. i was always really excited to see shin chan and mr usui.

what anime did you watch recently? recently? at the friday movie show, i think i watched my neighbor totoro. and that made me think again how good those old movies were. - i like crayon shin chan.- i like doraemon. i get really moved by the movies they do. one of the movies plays in the 21st century. at the end shin chan ... how was it again... he is climbing a world fair tower...

that scene was really moving. he kept at it even though he stumbled many times. it was touching. i was under the impression that shin chan is just comedy but looks like the movies are different.- they really are. even though usually the characters don't get along with gian, in the movies they will work together. i find that very moving. - i love one piece.- what do you love about it? it's like a social drama. i find that very interesting. i still watch it now.

in one piece there are many moving scenes. please tell me one. when the merry go ship broke... they all had to burn it... it was really sad. i still have that in my mind. even though it's a ship, you find yourself crying at that scene, right!? yeah, totally! please tell me an anime scene that was moving or that made you cry. it's from doraemon. they showed that movie in 2006...

the actor kamikirinosuke was voice acting in it... in the movie was a dinosaur, i don't remember the details... but even though i was small i remember crying a lot. at the end they are saying goodbye to the dinosaur and even though i was really small, i cried at that. i think the shin chan and doraemon movies are really touching. shin chan too? yes definitely! i just imagine him wriggling his buttocks most of the time.

in the tv anime he is just fooling around but... in the movies they add some really touching moments. do you have a great scene from blue exorcist? there is a big mix of serious and funny scenes. when there is a joke, the drawing style changes, right?! those parts were so much fun, so they kind of left an impression. what was the most moving anime scene ever? in doraemon! gian and nobita usually don't get along.

but then there are these scenes when the boyishness of gian and the friendship of nobita match. as a boy, these scenes are touching. makes you really think that friendship between boys is great. - was that from a movie then?- yeah the main was from a movie. i own all the mangas. i own all volumes of shin chan and doraemon. so i have about 800 mangas at home. 800?! that's impressive. when i have free time i book the manga cafe for 4 hours but end up extending my time to 6 hours in the end.

what are you watching these days? one piece! dragon ball! i still watch doraemon. - you are still enjoying it now?- yeah just before my studies. i still watch it. my siblings are still watching anime. i join them sometimes. do you know an anime called orange? they made it into a movie now too.

i watch those that are on during the night. thank you! okay anime! we already asked foreigners who came to japan what one of the most predominant things is that brought them to japan and it was usually anime. this time we asked japanese people and it was interesting to find out that the normal people that walk in the streets are more into the anime that they used to watch as a kid and maybe continue watching it. for example detective conan has been on for so many years some people started watching it and then kept watching it.

or they just felt nostalgic about the anime that they used to watch like shin chan and doraemon. which again are very famous anime that kids watch here in japan. and then later on parents will watch with their kids. it's very interesting to see how that continues and then obiously people watching other anime but not as much as you might have expected. which was interesting. personally... i love love love ... my personal favorite which is sailor moon as you can see, i am totally in sailor moon style today.

i am totally a sailor moon geek and inspired by that. i have been true to that series for a long time. how about you? what is an anime that definitely is your number one? an anime that inspired you, that you love watching and... what is the most recent anime you have watched? what have you enjoyed recently? for example i watched recently "ore monogatari" which is a very strong muscly dude falling for a very petite cute girl. that was really fun to watch. let me know what your recent anime is. maybe we and i will find a new

favorite anime in there. would be nice to see what you are watching recently. thanks for watching. i will put more stuff in the top right of the screen if you wanna keep watching our channel. thank you very much! i catch you soon on ask japanese!

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