korean fonts for android

it's time for 'food adventure program for awesome people' the inky edition because squids are inky and we get a squid on a stick it makes sense clever :) ok let's go get some...ridiculous, delicious street food na na na na na na! it makes sense! ok squid on a stick, squids are inky

my joke is good, it's legit and this is legit damn! we came here as nobody now there's a line see we're trendsetters here in korea we dictate the tastes of the people no we don't, we just got lucky thank you ohhhh yes

spicy *giggling* you gotta be careful when you eat though you got two sticks here that could stab you in the eyehole murder you! be careful and why did i say eyeholes because leigh says eyeholes all the time and damn you for ruining my vocabulary leigh they just cover a giant wet squid in egg

rolled in flour and just deep fried it for 2 and a half minutes oooohhhhh... mmmmm... oh yeaaahh alright i know some people back home are gonna be like "that's the grossest thing ever" you really get used to eating the entire squid in korea to begin with and this is delicious! it's like tender, perfectly cooked i used to hate squid before i came to korea but this is some of the best squid i've ever had in my entire life forget about calamari with the squirted lemon and all that

that has nothing on this this is glorious you take a couple bites, your teeth go right through it easly i don't like raw squid but this is i'll have in a heartbeat you know what this actually tastes like? what? getting kfc like that deep fried battered chicken except you just replaced it with squid squid tastes like chicken

heeey leigh...i know you wanna try some squid i do what is the name of junsoo's new song? for one squid leg no ding ding ding ding ding! you got it! i pick my nose sometimes tell her that she's won a piece of yours but that's mine! simon's licked his fingers a million times

let me just say this is not date food there's nothing sexy about this i'm dirty, i'm messy, this is falling all over the place you cannot maintain your dignity what are you talking about? so sexy so that's it for this week's 'food adventure program for awesome people' if you wanna know how to get to this awesome palce click on our blog link, right here, we're gonna give you a map about how to get here

you're gonna love it i feel like there are so many new exchange students right now that just came to korea now is the time of year to experience something new and you know what? i bet you it won't be here in the summertime cause you never know, things always change, it'll probably be an ice-cream stand by then so.. get your squid on people! while you can cc by mariposanudrath

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