anime images of people

anime, whether you love anime or hate anime,you probably have came across it on multiple occasions. we might all have our personal opinions andpreferences in regards to this topic. of course there are gonna be people like “animeis amazing, it's so awesome, i watch it literally everyday i'm an expert at it” and there’salso people like “anime sucks, it's repetitive, boring, and anyone who likes it is a completenerd” and then there will be people like, her der what’s anime he he” and the 3rdoption is actually more common than what you would expect. no but like seriously, there are actuallysome people who have no idea what anime is.

so to avoid the possibility of some peoplefeeling lost, anime is “a style of japanese film and television animation, typically aimedat adults as well as children”. you may be familiar with shows like dragonball z, bleach, naruto, pokemon, the list goes on, but those are some of the most popularexamples of the genre. now i think this is a perfect time to makeit clear that i personally am not that big into anime. if i say anything that you may find to bewrong, if i saw anything that you disagree with, just know that i'm not the biggest fanand i'm just giving my opinion on what i already know.

i say this because, and i don't know how toput this, umm the anime fanbase can get, kinda well umm aggressive at times… like, i'm not making this video to hateon the fanbase or anything but sometimes you need to know when to stop. when you're getting in a heated argument withsomebody on the internet when the main topic is literally just anime, it's time... to stop. listen, i don't hate anime, and i don't reallythink there is anyway i can explicitly hate it considering i have very little experiencewith anime. my only problem with anime, is that, it canget way too addicting, at least for me.

for a lot of these shows i lose sleep becausethey're way too good. the way these stories are told, the action,the drama, the music, the art style, it's like television heaven. except, it's not really television, with alot of these shows you're gonna have to stream them. i've watched a variety of shows that involvedgreat storytelling the pet girl of sakurasou, nagi no asukara, and sword art online disregardingthe second half because i thought was pretty um well crappy. anime is something i don't really watch alot of now, but what puzzles me the most are

the people who judge other people for whatthey watch. there are a lot of people who think animeis weird for some reason, and it's fine to have that opinion but don't judge other peoplebecause they like something you don't. for the majority of people, you either likeanime or you don't. i would love to hear your guys’ opinionsabout this in the comments section and happy new years too, i'm very excited for 2017. i hope you guys enjoyed this video, all ratingsare appreciated and and i'll see you soon.

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