anime images of couples

00:02comm: you would be forgiven for thinking this is a meal with red wine, but the glasses actuallycontain blood. 00:10lia: cheers my love. 00:11comm: lia and aro aren't your average couple, they're actually real life vampires livingin the sleepy town of haven hill, suffolk. 00:18lia: the taste of the blood depends on the person, most blood has a sort of coppery,irony taste to it. 00:26comm: it was love at first bite for lia and long time vampire aro, after meeting on adating website on valentine's day.

00:33lia: when i first saw that he was a vampire, very interesting i was like "okay, didn'tknow there was actually proper real vampires out there but i've always hoped there was. 00:43comm: after three weeks smitten aro asked lia to marry him. but the real test of commitmentto each other came a week later, when lia asked aro to turn her into a vampire. 00:54lia: he turned me into a vampire, it had to be at 3am in the morning, the witching hour. 00:59comm: aro has always had a taste for blood.

01:02aro: i've always had cravings for blood since the first age i can remember. any time someonecut themselves, if they cut their finger i would put their finger in my mouth. if theycut their arm i'd clamp my mouth over it, which obviously they thought was a bit strange. 01:18comm: now lia and aro drink blood once a week to satisfy their cravings. to supplement theirdiet, they eat raw steak from their local butcher's. and if the steaks aren't enough,the pair also indulge in a glass of pig's blood. 01:31comm: and most shockingly of all, they drink

each other's blood. 01:35aro: i always feel more energy in my body like almost as if there's a, almost like amild current. 01:41comm: now the loved up couple are set to get marries on the spookiest day of the year - hallowe'en. 01:45lia: shall we look at some wedding dresses? aro: yeah, let's go. 01:48comm: lia is so unsure of how her family will take the news of her unusual lifestyle, shehasn't yet told them.

01:54lia: my parents are actually happy with the relationship i have with aro. they don't knowthat we're both vampires and that aro was the one who turned me, they know we're bothof the dark gothic nature and they're very happy for us. 02:10aro: i wasn't concerned about anyone having bad thoughts about me turning lia, the onlything that was of concern to me was what lia wanted. said that she had to think about itcarefully because it's a whole different change of lifestyle. 02:25comm: but are lia and aro alone in their unique

love affair? 02:29aro: there's vampires everywhere, vampires can be doctors, nurses, solicitors, bank managers,mechanics, someone working in your local supermarket, your friends, your family. we could be anyone.

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