creepypasta wallpaper iphone

[no dialogue]. on the top of page 10, i'vegiven you some at home work you can do, comparing your presentjob, your ideal work day and i added there your worst job,which may be your present job. i hope not. but sometimes you needkind of an anchor point on the scale here. and it asks you for your jobdescription, your work hours, when the work day ends, how youspend your non-working time,

et cetera. so just a place to collectsome of your fantasies. so that's just for youto have in the backdrop. the closer you get to your idealday, the happier you will be, the more sane you will be,the more balanced you will be, the more you will be livingfrom your own intention. so i suggest that, in your dreambook, you start seeing some goals that, perhaps, you needto put in place in order to get closer toyour ideal life.

and i'm sure there's at leasta few people, i won't ask for a hand count, that say youknow what, i am really lucky. i am living my ideal day. i pretty well did it. i mean, there are some baddays that aren't quite ideal. but, the one i designed in myimagination, is one i actually did yesterday, or last thursday. and then the question foryou is how can you deepen that, and do more of those things?

and maybe start to eliminatethe superfilous things, or the things that don'tfit your pyramid of power. so there's someideas to play with. any questions about our idealday exercise, and what to do as follow-up with it? (male speaker).just a comment. i thought it was amazing whenyou said that the ideal day, a lot of it is justtaking place already for me. like you say, it's just refiningand returning to the life

i'm living right now. fabulous, yeah. the secret to happiness,you've got it. and life is very interestingbecause, you know what, you're going to lose it. you'll get tired of your job,something will change. the administration will muckup the works, or your students will not like you. in other words,we go through phases.

and i say this not to discourageyou, but to give us all hope that when you hit yourmark, enjoy the plateau, and celebrate your successand broaden and deepen. because that will offer theprotection against it twisting and turning out of control,where you no longer feel happy. also, be sensitive to thefact if you're no longer there, something's got to change. either within you, your the jobdescription, the institution, or something.

but when you're there,it's golden, and grab it and enjoy it, celebrate it. so, good for you. thank you. any other questions or commentsabout the ideal day exercise? in the middle, well, kind oftowards the top, right under here i ask a question i wantyou to think about for the rest of your life. who's in chargeof your to-do lists?

i hope the smokey thebear tells you that you are. but, often times,they add things. you know who the theyare in your life, right? your kids, your significantothers, your grandmother, your boss, andso on and so forth. here's a trick i learneda couple of years ago, that i have found extremelyhelpful to organize myself so i don't overwhelmmyself with all my big dreams. and that is to settle in onone theme, maybe two or three,

no more during a timed unit. so i might have an annualtheme, or a quarterly theme, or a fall theme, somethinglike that, a semester theme. i'll give you an example. about five years ago, i didmy five year vision and i had a statement that said myenvironment is clean, organized, aesthetical pleasing,and supports me in my life. nothing could have beenfurther from the truth. you know how couples buyfixer-uppers and turn them

into kind of nice houses? my husband and i bought a brandnew house and turned it into a fixer-upper. [laughter]. it was going to get one ofthose yellow police ribbons for condemned bythe health department. it was just, the linoleumwas coming up, the wallpaper was coming off. we had just not donemuch with maintainance.

we'd done otherthings with our lives. you heard my rã©sumã©. and we're happilymarried for 38 years, so we've been pretty busy. but we didn't domuch about our house. it was time. eventually, it was time. but when i wrote thatstatement five years ago, i started a section in my dream book with a few stickies like

look at counter tops, check outpaint colors, look at kitchen cabinetry, look at flooring,and so on and so forth. eventually, the fairly big dreambook that i work with got too small, and i gotthe same size dream book, which then becamethe project dream book. so, sometimes, you haveto kind of spill over into something else. and then i waitedbecause waiting is good. robert boice says that waitinguntil the right time to work

is often a very goodstrategy for quick starters. so i didn't put an pressureon myself, that i was telling myself a lie that my environmentwas clean, organized, and aesthetically pleasing. it wasn't and i knew that. but the time was not right. eventually the time wasright, and so we declared it the year of the house. doesn't mean we didn't do ourwork, doesn't mean we didn't

do family things. but all our waking moments, whenwe weren't occupied with other tasks, was collecting, looking,interviewing, getting ideas, and starting to form the designof what we were going to do. we gutted the first floor ofour house down to the studs, rebuilt, moved a couple walls,rebuilt things, tore out all the cabinets, the bulk heads, andeverything else in the kitchen. put in hardwood floorsthroughout, and it is clean, organized, unless my husband'strashed it while i'm out here,

and it is extremelyaesthetically pleasing. it is a work of art. i feel like a princess everydaywhen i come down the stairs, and i see the oriental rugs, i see the hardwood floors. so i use that as an example totell you how a theme can help organize your prioritiesand your tasks and your goals. you've got a question here. (male speaker).[unclear audio]. those are youroverarching statements.

so, if you had a coupleof goals based on fitness, your overarching statementwould be a statement, not necessarily true at thismoment set in the present tense. i am a fit, relaxed, healthy,you know, blah, blah, blah. where does it gowithin the book? in the book, it, one copy of it. you make two copies. one copy, all of them go on onepage as the table of contents. and then one sticky persection, with colored papers.

so your fitness goals may begreen, and your family goals and your little stickys will go in those pages. and so my environment was,let's say, yellow. and my overarchingstatement was clean, organized, aesthetically pleasing. and that section then beganto get stickies, and then some drop-ins intothose plastic sleeves. and we outgrew it andwent to our own notebook. okay.

so, that's how a theme,i think, is very important. my fall theme isstrive for nine. so my health goals are ninefruits and vegetables a day. i started readingup on antioxidants. and i took this test, it wastotally like a carnival thing. it probably has nothing to dowith anything, but you put your hand on this little machineat the pharmacy, and then they print out this printout, and itsays, you're in the mid-range. you're about to have aheart attack any minute.

you're antioxidant levelis not high enough. so i start studying upon antioxidants and, well, i'm going to play with this. i'll see what i can do. so nine fruits and vegetables,nine hours of sleep. i decided i was going to reallywork at finally getting the rest that i need, and ineed a lot of rest. and i'm hitting itabout three nights a week, nine to ten hours of sleep.

and i'm feeling so much better. so much better. i still sneak, and i have somesix and sevens, but most of my life i've gone six and seven,and i really need eight to nine. then nine repetitions ofeach of the exercises i do. so it keeps it simple. i don't have tomemorize a bunch of stuff. i just go through the musclegroups, and the stretches and things.

and everything i do fornine counts or nine breaths or nine repetitions. so that's my healththeme for the fall. so themes are useful ways tosort of consolidate something you really want to work on, andkind of have it more tangible, where you can picture it. okay, questions? you're starting to see howyou're going to have a system to manage your work-life balance,because you have your personal

goals, you have your work-life,all of this together. alright, so then, at the bottomof ten, we want to talk about work habits. so we've got our personal goals,we've got our work goals. the concept of flow isa very useful concept. and to use this, i want to tellyou a little bit about this area of research.

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