
hey everyone! welcome to cosplay class. in this episode, i'm going to go over the most frequently asked question that i get, which is count down the top 5 tips with me. **cosplay class song** step number one cosplay whoever you want don't let anyone tell you otherwise. you can be picard and riker if you're a 20-something year old woman

like jessica and i did right here. or you can be an animal crossing character or you can be... i don't know... ross. or you can be whoever you want! don't let anyone tell you otherwise because no matter your age, your size, your race, pretty much anything doesn't matter. you can be whoever you want and i will keep saying that again and again

until i have to come to your house and tell you when you're sleeping. do not let anyone tell you you can't. because cosplay is about magic and having fun. and not being sad and bullying people and if you're a bully, you need to not be a bully or i will come to your house when you're sleeping and do other mean things to you. step number two

obsession is your energy drink. you'll be up late late nights when you're cosplaying. and you know what? you can drink as many red bulls until it's clinically not okay but what will keep you going is being obsessed with a character. you need to love your character. you need to really want to cosplay as that character. you need to really want to cosplay as that character. get out there, have fun, and be that character for a day. because that's what's going to keep you going.

i love dr. strange, so i decided that i would cosplay as dr. strange. i'm not a big fan of sewing but you know what? i did it, i challenged myself, i made the costume, and i love it. and what kept me going was my love of the character. so make sure that you love your character, you really want to cosplay as them, and that you really really want to make that costume no matter what it's made out of no matter how hard it is, you will be able to do it because you want to get out there and have a good time and pretty much be an awesome bad ass.

step three use your google-fu. what you need to do is go on google and, once you have your character that you're obsessed with, search that character and see if anyone else has made that costume. has anyone else tried it? have any other cosplayers been that character? are there any similar characters that people have written build blogs about? you need to check out some awesome websites that i'm going to list off now so get your pen and paper ready!

the first website is the rpf, the replica prop forum. here you can find a plethora of information and people to chat with on making costumes and special effects. the next is my pal ted. he has a wonderful youtube channel on how to make foam helmets and all kinds of awesome stuff. ted taught me everything that i know and he's an awesome dude and he's worked in the industry for a long time. so go ahead and check out his work because he's rad. the next is my friend bill doran.

his website is punished props and he just put out an ebook on foam fabricating armor as well. you can check that out on his website and you can check out his youtube channel as well. **ding!** you can also check out my friend kamui cosplay, who put out a book o n using worbla and all of the tips and tricks for that. as well as a painting book on how to paint your cosplay armor which i use all the time because her painting technique is amazing. so make sure to check out all of those folks, all of those websites

also check out smooth-on's website, where you can get all kinds of tutorials on molding and also what kind of chemicals you need to use if you're going to be molding and casting pieces for your cosplays. and check out all of the amazing cosplayers that you can find online! there are so many talented people, just find them, google your costume, google different places where you can find out information about making these things, and check out all of this stuff because the internet is now a magical wonderful place where you can connect with people, even make friends and then later who knows? meet up at a con and you can all take pictures of each other fighting

costumes and all that nonsense. you can just go do your thing. go on. i'll just wait here. go to the websites. when you're done, make sure to send me pictures. tip number 4 failure is your senpai. why? because failing isn't bad! if you mess up, it's ok! you can still go to the convention. nothing has to be perfect. perfection is a lie. costumes are about having fun and going out there and being a character. not about whether or not everything is perfect.

you can make stuff out of duct tape you can make stuff out of trash bags there's no right or wrong way to make anything. if you're comfortable with the material, say you like knitting, say you like making things out of duct tape, say you like making stuff out of cardboard just use that stuff, paint it, and have a good time! there's no right or wrong way for anything. so just go out there and have fun!! :d it doesn't really matter, you'll be okay. it's alright. i mess up all the time. like literally all the time. all the time

alot and it's okay. step number 5 the power is yours! just like captain planet says, it doesn't matter, you can go out there and do it! and i know that it's really scary, sometimes it's scary to try new things and put yourself out there. or make stuff! or you think you're going to mess up, or you know do anything! when we were kids, we weren't worried about messing up we would just do it, it wouldn't matter if our drawings looked bad, we still gave them

to our parents and they put them on the fridge. you just need to tap into that wonderful love of making stuff and being creative and not be afraid and go out there and make mistakes and have fun. because that is what will help you grow as a person and i think cosplay does that, at least a little bit. and remember! don't be afraid. never give up, never surrender. thanks for watching cosplay class, everyone! if you want to see more cosplay class, go ahead and click the link right here.

also, if you want to see some of my vlog videos, go ahead and click here. and i'll see you guys next time on cosplay class! sparkles! ow my arm....

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