cosplay fail

better open it. start. i am. she went to the second floor! goddamnit. i'm not judging you. oh, sorry. there she is! oh my god!

are you serious? i can't believe i'm getting this on tape that was so awkward, i was like "why is the elevator moving? it's just a skit." i was supposed to open the door and then she walks in and i was like i lost my shit what did you say to her? i was like "i'm sorry but i have a friend who has a camera turned on on the main floor so it's gonna be video taping when the door opens" what the fuck???? *loony laughter*

how is this real life right now bruh? wow i was not expecting that that was the best possible outcome for any video i just wanted an innocent 10 second skit but i ended up going to the second floor and picking up another person wow that was amazing

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