terrible cosplay pictures

hi guys! it's me- your favorite idol, lia!!! yaaaaayy alright!! so, this video is happening today because my yuko oshima the 9th cosplay finally came!! ok, i was so excited i went to the mail today and i saw this huge thing and i was like- yaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy if you follow me on any social media at all you would know that i am so excited for this i can't even explain it, i can't put in in words, it's just inhuman noises

i thought "hey! let's do an unboxing and review of this!" from what i've seen, it's really nice. so you'll get to hear my input of it!! fun b) let's get to it!!! *funky music in the bg* i'm so happy with this oooooh my gosh i-- uuuu i can't even

like, the little tie and aaa and aaaaaa it's so cute my dream has been realized anyway i said i was going to do a reivew- so i'll do that

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