scary creepypasta pictures

- it's that time once again friends, uncle matt's going totell you a bed time story. - oh yes, time indeed. - ahhh. the age old tradition of telling ghost storiesaround a campfire, has gotten a digitalupgrade with creepy pastas. scary stories that spread across websites, social media and message boards,

becoming internet lore that are discussed both on and offline. the product of some scarystoryteller's imagination? perhaps. but a lot of the time, thatdoesn't make it any less scary. these stories kept me up at night, and they might just havethe same effect on you. so if you're a light sleeper, i warn you to proceed with caution.

because here are the top 10 freakiest creepypastas ever told: part two. number one is a anansis goatman story. this story tells of agroup of 11 teenagers who spend a night in a trailerout in the alabama woods. they're having fun until anasty smell fills the campsite. like cooking blood and singed hair. they try to make the bestof their camping experience but later when they allcome together for dinner,

the food is portioned out to feed 12, one more than the group thatthey actually came with. quickly they realize that someone else has joined their group. what they didn't know, is that those woods were filled with goat-men. shape-shifting beasts ofnative american legend. from that point on, theyoung kids never knew if it was their friendsthat were speaking to,

or something else. - [rob] number two is annora petrova. annora petrova was oneof the most promising figure skaters in the united states until she came across the wikipedia page made in her name. oddly enough, instead of justreporting on what she had done it also predicted her winsprior to her competitions. everything was seemingly going okay,

until annora decided toedit her own wikipedia page in order to guarantee herself a win. from there her lifespiraled out of control in a series of terrible events. first, a freak accidentinvolving a performers blade breaking off of their skateand firing into the stands where she had been sittingand leaving her disfigured. this have been predicted onher wikipedia page as well. things became worse and worse

and eventually herwikipedia page updated with annora petrova, is apathetic little orphan. her family dead, and left with nothing her life was eventually snuffed out when her wikipedia page updated itself and pronounced her dead. it was never known who or what was behind those fatefully accurateupdates on her wikipedia page. [matt] - number three is candle cove.

- back in the early 1970's, there was a show known as candle cove, which featured creepy marionette puppets. user skyshale003 , createdan online chat room, to discuss the show with others to see if they also recalled watching the low-budget television show, as it gave him terrible nightmares that he still lives with to this day.

surprisingly, he quickly found others who shared their own memoriesof candle cove including pirate percy, the skin takerand horace the horrible. the conversation quickly turned to the final episode of the show where the members recalled the puppets bursting in horrific screams that left skyshale003 and others in the forum, crying in horror

who have also been livingwith the constant nightmares. one specific user, miike_painter65, shocked that he wasn't alone,decided to consult his mother about why he was ever allowedto watch this show as a child. however, his mother wassurprised that the man ever remembered candle cove,telling him that as a boy, he would sit in front ofa static television screen of dead air for 30 minutes each day, saying that he was watchinghis favorite pirate show.

- [rob] number four is no end house. a young man named davidwilliams was up to a challenge. he was going to be given$500 if he could make it though a haunted house, all by himself. but upon entering what wascalled, the no end house and facing unspeakable horrors, he quickly regretted his decision. he was attacked by bitting insects he had to interacts withterrifying apparitions and beasts

and he even had to witnessthe own murder of his parents. but though it all, davideventually makes it to what he believes to bethe next to final room: room eight. in this room he finds anexact clone of himself seated in a chair with a knife nearby. on his clone's chest, was the number nine. david is forced toessentially kill himself in order to escape.

although he gets his handson the $500 exit prize, he eventually drives home onlyto realize that the number 10 is etched into his door. and all he can do is laugh, as he realizes there truly is no end, to no end house. - [matt] number 5 is therussian sleep experiment. back in the 1940's shortlyafter world war ii, russian researchers exposedfive people to experimental gas with the intention of keepingthem awake for 15 days.

locked away with no outside world contact, the subjects simply went insane. when the time was up,the subjects were found in states of partial mutilation, flesh and muscle torn from their bodies with their own fingertips. one subject laid dead,used as a food source by the other four, despite food rations having been provided.

to this very day, nobodyknows exactly what occurred during the experimentsor what the intentions of the researchers were. but the results were undeniable. - [rob] number 6 is abandoned by disney. a disney theme parkknown as treasure island, in baker's bay bahamaswas abandoned by disney. this was after a failed $30million construction project and it has since becomeknown as a ghost town.

one individual foolishly ventured into the eerie darken park to explore. the chilling experiencetook a turn for the worst when he entered the mascots only area. inside he discovered anumber of disney costumes, but there was one costume,a mickey mouse costume, that was laid out in a way that was a little bit moresinister than the others. the costume appeared itself to be

a murder victim. as the man attempted to take a photo, the mickey mouse costume sprung to life. "wanna see my head comeoff?" the costume asked. and without waiting for an answer, the costume began to tearat its own head and neck. thick chunky yellowblood spilled everywhere and the man turned and ran out noting that above the doorto the mascots only area

was written, "abandoned by god." he never went back and it's unknown if the mickey mouse costume is still there waiting for its next visitor. - [matt] number 7 is my deadgirlfriend keeps messaging me. - a young man named nathanwas having a hard time coping with the passingof his girlfriend emily. unable to come to terms with deleting her off of his facebook.

one day, he received a hello from her in the formof a facebook message. originally thinking thather account was hacked, he disregarded it. that was until a barrage ofnonsensical messages followed, as well as tagging herself in pictures that she was not visible in. nathan realized that themessages that he was receiving were simply recycled portions

of previous chats that thecouple had had in the past. which was a reason for alarm, that was until a message with the word "freezing", came through. that was in fact, thelast message that emily had ever sent nathanwhile she was still alive and only he knew of it. distraught, nathanunderstandably went to seek help, but before leaving his computer,

got a final notification of being tagged in a picture with emily. it was of him, in his room at his computer posting this story online. - [rob] number eightis the expressionless. in june of 1972, a woman arrived at cedars-sinai hospital in nothing but a whitegown, covered in blood. the woman was differentthan your typical patient,

she inspired terror inanyone who witnessed her. the woman appeared as ifshe were a living mannequin and had a bloodied kittenclamped within her mouth. she spit it out on thefloor before collapsing and remained motionlessas she was transported to the emergency room. when doctors arrived, she smiled and revealedsharp jagged teeth. a doctor nervously asked, "what are you?"

the woman with inhuman speedbit out the doctor's jugular and then whispered, "i am god." she feasted on the security guards to enter the room to stop her before she escaped the hospital. and she has never been seen since. - [matt] number nine is mr. widemouth. sick with a case of mono, a five-year-old boydevelop an imaginary friend

with a wide-mouthed grin, to help him cope with his illness. the bored and lonely child enjoyed the company of mr. widemouth, who soon came up with a game to play. leaping from the second story of his home. mr. widemouth continued totry to get the young boy to do other extremely dangerous things, including juggle knives.

likely despite mr.widemouth's suggestions, the boy continued to refuse. one of the strangest refusalsthat the boy recalls, is an instant that mr. widemouth suggested that the boy follow him down a trail, which he also refused. years later, that boy became a young man and decided to travel down that very path, only to realize that it led to a graveyard

filled with many children's tombstones. - [rob] and number 10 is smile dog. in 2007, an amateur writer paid a visit to a woman named mary e in chicago because she claimed to have a story that she wanted to share with him that he might wanted to write about. when he arrived at her home, he found her locked up in her bedroom

where she was crying profusely and ranting about nightmares and visions. all of this was centeredaround an image she had viewed called smile.jpeg. it was said that viewing this image which consisted of a smilingdog would insight insanity upon anyone who viewed it. the smiling dog would invadetheir dreams and demand that they share the image orelse they would certainly die.

mary e intended to sharethe image with the writer in order to save herselffrom certain death but eventually she changed her mind. soon after, mary e took her own life, unable to cope with the endless assaults from the smiling dog. nearly a year later, the author was sent ane-mail with an attachment, it was the smile.jpeg image,

and his curiosity was too much to bear. the author foolishly openedthe image and looked upon it. to save himself, the authorposted this story online for anyone unfortunateenough to come across it. "your welcome." - and that's it. thank you so much to mygood friend, rob dyke who is behind me, for helping me with thisextra creepy episode.

make sure to subscribe to him, a link to his channel willbe in the description. he makes all kinds of stuffon the macabre and creepy and i think you guys are going to love it. be sure to also subscribe to my channel by pressing that red subscribe button, and be sure to subscribeto my vlog channel, there will be a linkalso in the description. ahh!

thanks for watching and seeyou in the next episode. (gurgled scream) (laughter)

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